Data Is Not Information, the debut by
Frantic Mantis was released in the Fall of 2005 on
Lujo Records. We are a band consisting of members of
Division Of Laura Lee and
Frodus/Decahedron. To quote an early text written of the band:
"Frantic Mantis - born out of an impromptu jam session in Summer 2003 of long time friends in Göteborg, Sweden. Bridging the mutual musical admiration of Håkan Johannson and Per Stålberg of Divison Of Laura Lee and Shelby Cinca of Frodus/Decahedron. Merging the styles of said bands impeccably to create a modern day fusion of punk and ambient rock known hereforth as: Datapunk. Screamy vocals, sung vocals, spastic guitars, 8bit explosions, and no over processing done by the collective brains of the members. Spontaneous and dangerous... two words that even modern day punk music has forgotten. Their initial recording, "This is Data-punk" , was lost for over a year after their whirlwind session in the back of a muscle-car modification garage in the "Old Jamaica" style recording complex of Timo Lundgren from Svennson. The files for the session lingered on a hard-drive in Cubase format deep in the warehouse district of Göteborg, Sweden yearning to be discovered. A spark eventually emerged in the 3 members to locate these recordings after they spent a year's time with their respective bands Division Of Laura Lee and Decahedron. Via electronic and GPS means, Timo was contacted by Håkan and Shelby, the files were procured in the proper format after one initial ill attempt that contained incomplete disks. Datapunk was being held in the dark, but the virus would soon spread...